chat room blacklist issue

alvin 3月前 293

I've used this API /admin/chatroom/set_black_status to mute some members in the chatroom however it seems dosen't work. This is my request and response data: {"chatroomId":"sygqmws2k","userId":"2hgqmws2k","status":1} {"code":0,"msg":"success"}

I used this API /admin/chatroom/get_black_statusto get the information, the response was not it supposed to be: users still have a 0 status, and expiredTime is 9223372036854775807

最新回复 (5)
  • HeavyRain 3月前
    引用 2
  • alvin 3月前
    引用 3
    "nodeIds":"1 2 “
  • HeavyRain 3月前
    引用 4
  • HeavyRain 3月前
    引用 5
    如果你们服务是Java的,可以使用我们java的server sdk,说明
  • alvin 3月前
    引用 6
    ok good