后端已经更新版本 依然无法连上

Coconut 2020-7-4 2138

后端已经更新新版本,只是替换了config里的配置,无法连接上。以下是 野火后台打印出来的日志~求分析是什么问题?

2020-07-04 10:15:11.187631+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::sdt][sdt_logic.cc, onCreate, 46][sdt oncreate

2020-07-04 10:15:11.188205+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::sdt][sdt_core.cc, SdtCore, 46][-> SdtCore

2020-07-04 10:15:11.188552+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::sdt][sdt_core.cc, SdtCore, 46][<- SdtCore +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.188749+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][stn_logic.cc, onCreate, 88][stn oncreate

2020-07-04 10:15:11.189033+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::comm][message_queue.cc, CreateMessageQueue, 930][create messageqeue id:123145365774336

2020-07-04 10:15:11.189448+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.189642+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.189772+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [W][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, InitHistory2BannedList, 173][netinfoChr:SIMULATOR, curr_netinfo.c_str():SIMULATOR

2020-07-04 10:15:11.189930+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_source.cc, NetSource, 83][-> NetSource

2020-07-04 10:15:11.191185+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_source.cc, NetSource, 83][<- NetSource +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.190654+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::comm][message_queue.cc, Run, 775][-> Run messagequeue id:123145365774336

2020-07-04 10:15:11.191657+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_check_logic.cc, NetCheckLogic, 106][-> NetCheckLogic

2020-07-04 10:15:11.191910+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_check_logic.cc, NetCheckLogic, 106][<- NetCheckLogic +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.192155+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, ShortLinkTaskManager, 64][-> ShortLinkTaskManager handler:(123145365774336,174)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.192471+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, ShortLinkTaskManager, 65][ShortLinkTaskManager messagequeue_id=123145365774336

2020-07-04 10:15:11.192758+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, ShortLinkTaskManager, 64][<- ShortLinkTaskManager +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.210939+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][zombie_task_manager.cc, ZombieTaskManager, 48][handler:(123145365774336,175)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.211202+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][longlink.cc, LongLink, 147][handler:(123145365774336,177)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.211432+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][alarm.h, Alarm, 73][handler:(123145365774336,179)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.211626+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][longlink_connect_monitor.cc, LongLinkConnectMonitor, 122][handler:(123145365774336,178)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.211833+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][longlink_task_manager.cc, LongLinkTaskManager, 63][-> LongLinkTaskManager handler:(123145365774336,176)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.212035+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][longlink_task_manager.cc, LongLinkTaskManager, 63][<- LongLinkTaskManager +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.212287+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][signalling_keeper.cc, SignallingKeeper, 48][SignallingKeeper messagequeue_id=123145365774336, handler:(123145365774336,181)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.212503+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][netsource_timercheck.cc, NetSourceTimerCheck, 52][handler:(123145365774336,182)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.212737+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][alarm.h, Alarm, 56][handler:(123145368993792,184)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.212982+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.213234+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.213531+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::comm][alarm.cc, Start, 69][alarm id:105553127358880, after:240000, seq:7, po.reg.q:123145368993792,po.reg.s:0,po.s:186, MQ:123145368993792

2020-07-04 10:15:11.213772+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][netsource_timercheck.cc, StartCheck, 97][-> StartCheck

2020-07-04 10:15:11.214007+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [W][mars::stn][net_core.cc, NetCore, 121][publiccomponent version: Jun 11 2020 18:19:38

2020-07-04 10:15:11.214481+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_core.cc, NetCore, 123][netcore messagequeue_id=123145365774336, handler:(123145365774336,173)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.214677+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [W][mars::stn][net_core.cc, NetCore, 148][



UserName :fa66550a767a4d22bf950fcb785a34e9

ClientVersion :0x0

2020-07-04 10:15:11.214916+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_core.cc, NetCore, 159][-> NetCore

2020-07-04 10:15:11.215129+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_core.cc, NetCore, 159][<- NetCore +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.215407+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::proto][business.cc, setAuthInfo, 2493][protocol revision:529efd71, build time:2020-06-11 18:15:27

2020-07-04 10:15:11.215990+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [E][mars::proto][DB2.cc, getDBPath, 316][open db /Users/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/12BC8BE1-9E57-4D27-8DF9-C88FC56E3163/data/Containers/Data/Application/212FE05E-64F9-41DA-B9B4-34D75869C49F/Documents/fa66550a767a4d22bf950fcb785a34e9/8AC11AF4-B9EA-4BF9-A992-0F90AE3ED10B/data

2020-07-04 10:15:11.217173+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [E][mars::proto][DB2.cc, Open, 381][open db done

2020-07-04 10:15:11.218289+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][netsource_timercheck.cc, StartCheck, 97][<- StartCheck +4,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.220729+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.232369+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +11,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.266393+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][net_core.cc, operator, 154][net info:current network:wifi, ssid:SIMULATOR,ipstack:ELocalIPStack_IPv4

--------NetConfig Info----------



dns server0:AF_INET,

----------route table----------


Destination        Gateway            Flags        Refs      Use    Mtu   Netif Expire

default         UGSc           80        1   1500     en0

127                UCS             0        0  16384     lo0          UH              3   335279  16384     lo0

169.254                               UCS             1        0   1500     en0

192.168.50                            UCS            10        0   1500     en0                       UCS             2        0   1500     en0                          UHLWIir        17      443   1500     en0   1199                         UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0   1150                         UHLWI           0      107   1500     en0   1198                        UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0   1155                     UCS             0        0   1500     en0                        UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0    746                        UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0   1155                        UHLWI           0       18   1500     en0   1140                        UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0   1158                        UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0   1151                        UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0    572                        UHLWI           0        0   1500     en0    247

224.0.0/4                             UmCS            2        0   1500     en0                           UHmLWI          0        0   1500     en0                       UHmLWI          0     1996   1500     en0                    UCS             0        0   1500     en0


Address  default                                 fe80::%utun0                    UGcI          utun0

default                                 fe80::%utun1                    UGcI          utun1

::1                                     ::1                             UHL             lo0

fe80::%lo0/64                           fe80::1%lo0                     UcI             lo0

fe80::1%lo0                                                             UHLI            lo0

fe80::%en0/64                                                           UCI             en0

fe80::4b7:a502:67dc:336f%en0                                            UHLWI           en0

fe80::c48:4659:644f:68e9%en0                                            UHLWIi          en0

fe80::10c8:f408:611d:55e3%en0                                           UHLI            lo0

fe80::2a6c:7ff:fe6d:5184%en0                                            UHLWI           en0

fe80::%awdl0/64                                                         UCI           awdl0

fe80::782b:2aff:fe8a:b89d%awdl0                                         UHLI            lo0

fe80::%llw0/64                                                          UCI            llw0

fe80::782b:2aff:fe8a:b89d%llw0                                          UHLI            lo0

fe80::%utun0/64                         fe80::d1bd:e715:1c6f:5850%utun0 UcI           utun0

fe80::d1bd:e715:1c6f:5850%utun0                                         UHLI            lo0

fe80::%utun1/64                         fe80::9655:13db:cf40:ec96%utun1 UcI           utun1

fe80::9655:13db:cf40:ec96%utun1                                         UHLI            lo0

ff01::%lo0/32                           ::1                             UmCI            lo0

ff01::%en0/32                                                           UmCI            en0

ff01::%awdl0/32                                                         UmCI          awdl0

ff01::%llw0/32                                                          UmCI           llw0

ff01::%utun0/32                         fe80::d1bd:e715:1c6f:5850%utun0 UmCI          utun0

ff01::%utun1/32                         fe80::9655:13db:cf40:ec96%utun1 UmCI          utun1

ff02::%lo0/32                           ::1                             UmCI            lo0

ff02::%en0/32                                                           UmCI            en0

ff02::%awdl0/32                                                         UmCI          awdl0

ff02::%llw0/32                                                          UmCI           llw0

ff02::%utun0/32                         fe80::d1bd:e715:1c6f:5850%utun0 UmCI          utun0

ff02::%utun1/32                         fe80::9655:13db:cf40:ec96%utun1 UmCI          utun1

----------NIC Info-----------

interface name:en0, AF_INET, ip:

interface name:en0, AF_INET6, ip:fe80::10c8:f408:611d:55e3

interface name:awdl0, AF_INET6, ip:fe80::782b:2aff:fe8a:b89d

interface name:llw0, AF_INET6, ip:fe80::782b:2aff:fe8a:b89d

interface name:utun0, AF_INET6, ip:fe80::d1bd:e715:1c6f:5850

interface name:utun1, AF_INET6, ip:fe80::9655:13db:cf40:ec96

2020-07-04 10:15:11.647016+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::proto][DB2.cc, Upgrade, 859][DB current version:23

2020-07-04 10:15:11.648515+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] Connection status changed to (0)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.649232+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_source.cc, SetShortlink, 119][task set shortlink server addr, port:80, debugip:

2020-07-04 10:15:11.650239+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] [I][mars::stn][net_source.cc, SetShortlink, 119][task set shortlink server addr, port:80, debugip:

2020-07-04 10:15:11.651803+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][net_core.cc, operator, 310][task start long short taskid:6, cmdid:11, need_authed:false, cgi:/route, channel_select:1, limit_flow:false, host:, send_only:false, cmdid:11, server_process_cost:-1, retrycount:-1,  channel_strategy:1,  total_timetout:-1, network_status_sensitive:false, priority:3, report_arg:

2020-07-04 10:15:11.655697+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, StartTask, 79][-> StartTask

2020-07-04 10:15:11.656142+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, StartTask, 87][taskid:6

2020-07-04 10:15:11.657585+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnTimeout, 216][lstcmd size=1

2020-07-04 10:15:11.674995+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnStartTask, 298][host ip to callback is

2020-07-04 10:15:11.675908+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnStartTask, 300][need auth cgi /route , host need auth false

2020-07-04 10:15:11.678111+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::proto][stn_callback.cc, Req2Buf, 1066][PROTO -> TASK after package:taskid:6 cmdid:11 channel_id:0 channel_select:1 cgi:/route send_only:0 need_authed:0 limit_flow:0 limit_frequency:0 network_status_sensitive:0 channel_strategy:1 priority:3 retry_count:-1 server_process_cost:-1 total_timetout:-1



body size:126

2020-07-04 10:15:11.678731+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][anti_avalanche.cc, Check, 45][-> Check

2020-07-04 10:15:11.679280+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][frequency_limit.cc, Check, 46][-> Check

2020-07-04 10:15:11.680147+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][frequency_limit.cc, Check, 46][<- Check +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.680906+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.681364+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.682035+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][anti_avalanche.cc, Check, 45][<- Check +3,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.682575+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.683386+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.684533+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.685551+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.686157+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.690611+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +4,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.691453+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.691841+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.692399+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.693046+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.693356+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][net_channel_factory.cc, operator, 36][use weak func Create

2020-07-04 10:15:11.694053+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, ShortLink, 128][@%p, , handler:(0x7FCBC502C800,123145365774336)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.694567+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, SendRequest, 140][-> SendRequest

2020-07-04 10:15:11.695183+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, SendRequest, 141][@0x7fcbc502c800, bufReq.size:5

2020-07-04 10:15:11.695897+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, SendRequest, 140][<- SendRequest +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.696000+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.696806+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnStartTask, 363][task add into shortlink readwrite cgi:/route, cmdid:11, taskid:6, work:0x7FCBC502C800, size:5, timeout(firstpkg:12, rw:17, task:70), retry:1, useProxy:true

2020-07-04 10:15:11.697335+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.698512+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, StartTask, 79][<- StartTask +42,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.699082+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, Run, 149][-> Run taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC502C800, net:1

2020-07-04 10:15:11.700220+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.700876+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.701612+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][-> GetHostByName

2020-07-04 10:15:11.702330+0800 野火通[12203:4467448] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][-> GetIP

2020-07-04 10:15:11.702846+0800 野火通[12203:4467448] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][<- GetIP +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.702878+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 271][dns get ip status:4 host:, func:true

2020-07-04 10:15:11.704193+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][<- GetHostByName +2,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.704786+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][-> GetHostByName

2020-07-04 10:15:11.706150+0800 野火通[12203:4467449] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][-> GetIP

2020-07-04 10:15:11.708654+0800 野火通[12203:4467449] [I][mars::comm][dns.cc, __GetIP, 152][host resolved iplist:,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.711634+0800 野火通[12203:4467449] [I][mars::comm][dns.cc, __GetIP, 81][dns server:

2020-07-04 10:15:11.714384+0800 野火通[12203:4467449] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][<- GetIP +8,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.714507+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][<- GetHostByName +9,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.715467+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [D][mars::stn][net_source.cc, __MakeIPPorts, 371][link host:, new dns ret:false, size:0 dns ret:true, size:1,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.717224+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, SortandFilter, 533][needcount 5, use ipv6 false

2020-07-04 10:15:11.718752+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, SortandFilter, 537][after FilterbyBanned list ip:

2020-07-04 10:15:11.723487+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, __SortbyBanned, 440][use ipv6 false

2020-07-04 10:15:11.727370+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, SortandFilter, 542][after SortbyBanned list ip:

2020-07-04 10:15:11.738760+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [D][mars::stn][net_source.cc, __MakeIPPorts, 400][link host:, backup ips size:1

2020-07-04 10:15:11.743929+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunConnect, 255][task socket dns sock taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC502C800 proxy:false, host:, ip list:|, is_keep_alive:false

2020-07-04 10:15:11.746022+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.746651+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.747845+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 461][_vecaddr size:2, m_timeout:10000, m_interval:4000, m_error_interval:4000, m_max_connect:3, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:11.748909+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 467][complex.conn [::ffff:]:80

2020-07-04 10:15:11.749701+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 467][complex.conn [::ffff:]:80

2020-07-04 10:15:11.750286+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [D][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 484][curtime:285905110, laststart_connecttime:285901110, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:11.750798+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.751147+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.752455+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 526][index:0, @0x700003D08300, addr:(, sock:24, connect

2020-07-04 10:15:11.757023+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [D][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 530][timeout:4000, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:11.776560+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 565][index:0, @0x700003D08300, sock:24, (, connected Rtt:23,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.779527+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 602][index:0, sock:24, suc ConnectImpatient:, RTT:(23, 23), @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:11.781333+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 638][retsocket:24, connrtt:23, conntotalrtt:23, totalcost:33, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:11.781801+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunConnect, 345][task socket connect success sock:24, taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC502C800 host:, ip:, port:80, local_ip:, local_port:65327, iptype:DNSIP, net:SIMULATOR

2020-07-04 10:15:11.782316+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][block_socket.cc, block_socket_send, 124][send data length :677, taskid:6, timeout:-1

2020-07-04 10:15:11.782331+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __OnSend, 498][taskid:6, worker:0x7FCBC502C800, nStartSendTime:285905

2020-07-04 10:15:11.823408+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][block_socket.cc, block_socket_send, 137][nwrite :677

2020-07-04 10:15:11.823863+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::comm][block_socket.cc, block_socket_send, 143][write done

2020-07-04 10:15:11.824357+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [D][mars::proto][stn_callback.cc, TrafficData, 228][send:677, recv:0

2020-07-04 10:15:11.824739+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunReadWrite, 445][task socket send sock:24, taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC502C800 http len:677,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.843203+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [D][mars::proto][stn_callback.cc, TrafficData, 228][send:0, recv:324

2020-07-04 10:15:11.843616+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, OnRecv, 504][-> OnRecv

2020-07-04 10:15:11.843903+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __OnRecv, 515][worker:0x7FCBC502C800, last_recvtime:285905, cachedsize:324, totalsize:324

2020-07-04 10:15:11.844276+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, OnRecv, 504][<- OnRecv +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.844303+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunReadWrite, 548][task socket recv sock:24,  taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC502C800, recv len:324 read with nonblock socket http response, length:324,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.844597+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][net_check_logic.cc, UpdateShortLinkInfo, 129][shortlink:_continues_fail_count: 0, _task_succ: 0, records=0xfffffffe

2020-07-04 10:15:11.844853+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][net_core.cc, __ConnStatusCallBack, 739][reportNetConnectInfo all_connstatus:3, longlink_connstatus:3

2020-07-04 10:15:11.844868+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [E][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunReadWrite, 556][task socket close sock:24, taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC502C800, @0x7FCBC502C800, status_code != 200, code:502, http dump:

dump file to /Users/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/12BC8BE1-9E57-4D27-8DF9-C88FC56E3163/data/Containers/Data/Application/212FE05E-64F9-41DA-B9B4-34D75869C49F/Documents/log/20200704/20200704101511_324.dump :

48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31 20 35 30 32 20 42 61 64

H  T  T  P  /  1  .  1     5  0  2     B  a  d

20 47 61 74 65 77 61 79 0d 0a 53 65 72 76 65 72

   G  a  t  e  w  a  y        S  e  r  v  e  r

3a 20 6e 67 69 6e 78 2f 31 2e 31 39 2e 30 0d 0a

:     n  g  i  n  x  /  1  .  1  9  .  0        

44 61 74 65 3a 20 53 61 74 2c 20 30 34 20 4a 75

D  a  t  e  :     S  a  t  ,     0  4     J  u

6c 20 32 30 32 30 20 30 32 3a 31 35 3a 31 31 20

l     2  0  2  0     0  2  :  1  5  :  1  1     

47 4d 54 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70

G  M  T        C  o  n  t  e  n  t  -  T  y  p

65 3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 68 74 6d 6c 3b 20 63 68

e  :     t  e  x  t  /  h  t  m  l  ;     c  h

61 72 73 65 74 3d 55 54 46 2d 38 0d 0a 43 6f 6e

a  r  s  e  t  =  U  T  F  -  8        C  o  n

74 65 6e 74 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 31 35 37

t  e  n  t  -  L  e  n  g  t  h  :     1  5  7

0d 0a 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 63 6c

      C  o  n  n  e  c  t  i  o  n  :     c  l

6f 73 65 0d 0a 0d 0a 3c 68 74 6d 6c 3e 0d 0a 3c

o  s  e              <  h  t  m  l  >        <

68 65 61 64 3e 3c 74 69 74 6c 65 3e 35 30 32 20

h  e  a  d  >  <  t  i  t  l  e  >  5  0  2     

42 61 64 20 47 61 74 65 77 61 79 3c 2f 74 69 74

B  a  d     G  a  t  e  w  a  y  <  /  t  i  t

6c 65 3e 3c 2f 68 65 61 64 3e 0d 0a 3c 62 6f 64

l  e  >  <  /  h  e  a  d  >        <  b  o  d

79 3e 0d 0a 3c 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e 3c 68 31 3e

y  >        <  c  e  n  t  e  r  >  <  h  1  >

35 30 32 20 42 61 64 20 47 61 74 65 77 61 79 3c

5  0  2     B  a  d     G  a  t  e  w  a  y  <

2f 68 31 3e 3c 2f 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e 0d 0a 3c

/  h  1  >  <  /  c  e  n  t  e  r  >        <

68 72 3e 3c 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e 6e 67 69 6e 78

h  r  >  <  c  e  n  t  e  r  >  n  g  i  n  x

2f 31 2e 31 39 2e 30 3c 2f 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e

/  1  .  1  9  .  0  <  /  c  e  n  t  e  r  >

0d 0a 3c 2f 62 6f 64 79 3e 0d 0a 3c 2f 68 74 6d

      <  /  b  o  d  y  >        <  /  h  t  m

6c 3e 0d 0a

l  >        

headers size:5task socket close getsocktcpinfo:tcpi_state=0x5, tcpi_snd_wscale=0x7, tcpi_rcv_wscale=0x6, tcpi_options=0x7, tcpi_flags=0x0, tcpi_rto=0x0, tcpi_maxseg=0x5A0, tcpi_snd_ssthresh=0x3FFFC000, tcpi_snd_cwnd=0x13C1, tcpi_snd_wnd=0x7680, tcpi_snd_sbbytes=0x0, tcpi_rcv_wnd=0x2043C, tcpi_rttcur=0x10, tcpi_srtt=0x14, tcpi_rttvar=0x9, tcpi_txpackets=0x1, tcpi_txbytes=0x2A5, tcpi_txretransmitbytes=0x0, tcpi_rxpackets=0x2, tcpi_rxbytes=0x144, tcpi_rxoutoforderbytes=0x

2020-07-04 10:15:11.845843+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] Connection status changed to (0)

2020-07-04 10:15:11.845769+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][net_source.cc, ReportShortIP, 481][_is_success=false, ip=, port=80 host=

2020-07-04 10:15:11.849177+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.849291+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.849558+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.849628+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.849890+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getSignal, 175][-> getSignal

2020-07-04 10:15:11.850033+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:11.850117+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getSignal, 175][<- getSignal +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.850326+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.851110+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __OnResponse, 379][worker=0x7FCBC502C800, _err_type=5, _status=502, _body.lenght=0, _cancel_retry=false

2020-07-04 10:15:11.851255+0800 野火通[12203:4467447] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, Run, 149][<- Run +152,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.851393+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, SingleRespHandle, 596][-> SingleRespHandle

2020-07-04 10:15:11.851785+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [W][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __SingleRespHandle, 653][task end retry short cmdid:11, err(5, 502, -1), svr(, DNSIP,, cli(, n:SIMULATOR, sig:0), cost(s:5, r:324/324, c:23, rw:69), all:194, retry:1, cgi:/route, taskid:6, worker:0x7FCBC502C800

2020-07-04 10:15:11.852025+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, ~ShortLink, 133][-> ~ShortLink taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC502C800

2020-07-04 10:15:11.853248+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, CancelAndWaitWorkerThread, 609][-> CancelAndWaitWorkerThread

2020-07-04 10:15:11.853548+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, CancelAndWaitWorkerThread, 609][<- CancelAndWaitWorkerThread +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.853802+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, ~ShortLink, 133][<- ~ShortLink +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.854036+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][-> Cancel

2020-07-04 10:15:11.854274+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][<- Cancel +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.854676+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][-> Cancel

2020-07-04 10:15:11.854862+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][<- Cancel +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:11.855090+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, SingleRespHandle, 596][<- SingleRespHandle +3,

2020-07-04 10:15:12.703253+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnTimeout, 216][lstcmd size=1

2020-07-04 10:15:12.705223+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnStartTask, 288][retry interval, taskid:6, task retry late task, wait:285906

2020-07-04 10:15:13.710199+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnTimeout, 216][lstcmd size=1

2020-07-04 10:15:13.710557+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnStartTask, 298][host ip to callback is

2020-07-04 10:15:13.711022+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnStartTask, 300][need auth cgi /route , host need auth false

2020-07-04 10:15:13.711685+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::proto][stn_callback.cc, Req2Buf, 1066][PROTO -> TASK after package:taskid:6 cmdid:11 channel_id:0 channel_select:1 cgi:/route send_only:0 need_authed:0 limit_flow:0 limit_frequency:0 network_status_sensitive:0 channel_strategy:1 priority:3 retry_count:-1 server_process_cost:-1 total_timetout:-1



body size:126

2020-07-04 10:15:13.713464+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][anti_avalanche.cc, Check, 45][-> Check

2020-07-04 10:15:13.714240+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][frequency_limit.cc, Check, 46][-> Check

2020-07-04 10:15:13.714821+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][frequency_limit.cc, Check, 46][<- Check +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.715204+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.728116+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +12,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.728523+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][anti_avalanche.cc, Check, 45][<- Check +15,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.730368+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.730801+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.731149+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.731399+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.731702+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.732351+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.732584+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.732968+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.733370+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.733701+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.734109+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][net_channel_factory.cc, operator, 36][use weak func Create

2020-07-04 10:15:13.734653+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, ShortLink, 128][@%p, , handler:(0x7FCBC70B9600,123145365774336)

2020-07-04 10:15:13.734918+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, SendRequest, 140][-> SendRequest

2020-07-04 10:15:13.735262+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, SendRequest, 141][@0x7fcbc70b9600, bufReq.size:5

2020-07-04 10:15:13.735926+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, SendRequest, 140][<- SendRequest +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.736165+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.736966+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __RunOnStartTask, 363][task add into shortlink readwrite cgi:/route, cmdid:11, taskid:6, work:0x7FCBC70B9600, size:5, timeout(firstpkg:12, rw:17, task:70), retry:0, useProxy:false

2020-07-04 10:15:13.737441+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.738767+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, Run, 149][-> Run taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC70B9600, net:1

2020-07-04 10:15:13.739337+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.739736+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.741334+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][-> GetHostByName

2020-07-04 10:15:13.744345+0800 野火通[12203:4467488] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][-> GetIP

2020-07-04 10:15:13.744706+0800 野火通[12203:4467488] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][<- GetIP +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.744968+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 271][dns get ip status:4 host:, func:true

2020-07-04 10:15:13.746187+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][<- GetHostByName +4,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.746514+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][-> GetHostByName

2020-07-04 10:15:13.747028+0800 野火通[12203:4467489] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][-> GetIP

2020-07-04 10:15:13.748123+0800 野火通[12203:4467489] [I][mars::comm][dns.cc, __GetIP, 152][host resolved iplist:,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.748370+0800 野火通[12203:4467489] [I][mars::comm][dns.cc, __GetIP, 81][dns server:

2020-07-04 10:15:13.748699+0800 野火通[12203:4467489] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetIP, 59][<- GetIP +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.748822+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, GetHostByName, 190][<- GetHostByName +2,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.749351+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [D][mars::stn][net_source.cc, __MakeIPPorts, 371][link host:, new dns ret:false, size:0 dns ret:true, size:1,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.749637+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, SortandFilter, 533][needcount 5, use ipv6 false

2020-07-04 10:15:13.750143+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, SortandFilter, 537][after FilterbyBanned list ip:

2020-07-04 10:15:13.750447+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, __SortbyBanned, 440][use ipv6 false

2020-07-04 10:15:13.750773+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][simple_ipport_sort.cc, SortandFilter, 542][after SortbyBanned list ip:

2020-07-04 10:15:13.751134+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [D][mars::stn][net_source.cc, __MakeIPPorts, 400][link host:, backup ips size:1

2020-07-04 10:15:13.751566+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunConnect, 255][task socket dns sock taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC70B9600 proxy:false, host:, ip list:|, is_keep_alive:false

2020-07-04 10:15:13.751984+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.752288+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.752785+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 461][_vecaddr size:2, m_timeout:10000, m_interval:4000, m_error_interval:4000, m_max_connect:3, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:13.753346+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 467][complex.conn [::ffff:]:80

2020-07-04 10:15:13.754257+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 467][complex.conn [::ffff:]:80

2020-07-04 10:15:13.754672+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [D][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 484][curtime:285907115, laststart_connecttime:285903115, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:13.755221+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.755450+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.755809+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 526][index:0, @0x700003D08300, addr:(, sock:24, connect

2020-07-04 10:15:13.756265+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [D][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 530][timeout:4000, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:13.775946+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 565][index:0, @0x700003D08300, sock:24, (, connected Rtt:20,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.776476+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 602][index:0, sock:24, suc ConnectImpatient:, RTT:(20, 20), @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:13.776916+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][complexconnect.cc, ConnectImpatient, 638][retsocket:24, connrtt:20, conntotalrtt:20, totalcost:24, @0x700003D08300

2020-07-04 10:15:13.777281+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunConnect, 345][task socket connect success sock:24, taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC70B9600 host:, ip:, port:80, local_ip:, local_port:65332, iptype:DNSIP, net:SIMULATOR

2020-07-04 10:15:13.778689+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][block_socket.cc, block_socket_send, 124][send data length :677, taskid:6, timeout:-1

2020-07-04 10:15:13.778723+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __OnSend, 498][taskid:6, worker:0x7FCBC70B9600, nStartSendTime:285907

2020-07-04 10:15:13.779147+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][block_socket.cc, block_socket_send, 137][nwrite :677

2020-07-04 10:15:13.779738+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::comm][block_socket.cc, block_socket_send, 143][write done

2020-07-04 10:15:13.780012+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [D][mars::proto][stn_callback.cc, TrafficData, 228][send:677, recv:0

2020-07-04 10:15:13.780375+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunReadWrite, 445][task socket send sock:24, taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC70B9600 http len:677,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.797205+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [D][mars::proto][stn_callback.cc, TrafficData, 228][send:0, recv:324

2020-07-04 10:15:13.798276+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, OnRecv, 504][-> OnRecv

2020-07-04 10:15:13.798706+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunReadWrite, 548][task socket recv sock:24,  taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC70B9600, recv len:324 read with nonblock socket http response, length:324,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.798712+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __OnRecv, 515][worker:0x7FCBC70B9600, last_recvtime:285907, cachedsize:324, totalsize:324

2020-07-04 10:15:13.799153+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, OnRecv, 504][<- OnRecv +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.799603+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [E][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, __RunReadWrite, 556][task socket close sock:24, taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC70B9600, @0x7FCBC70B9600, status_code != 200, code:502, http dump:

dump file to /Users/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/12BC8BE1-9E57-4D27-8DF9-C88FC56E3163/data/Containers/Data/Application/212FE05E-64F9-41DA-B9B4-34D75869C49F/Documents/log/20200704/20200704101513_324.dump :

48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31 20 35 30 32 20 42 61 64

H  T  T  P  /  1  .  1     5  0  2     B  a  d

20 47 61 74 65 77 61 79 0d 0a 53 65 72 76 65 72

   G  a  t  e  w  a  y        S  e  r  v  e  r

3a 20 6e 67 69 6e 78 2f 31 2e 31 39 2e 30 0d 0a

:     n  g  i  n  x  /  1  .  1  9  .  0        

44 61 74 65 3a 20 53 61 74 2c 20 30 34 20 4a 75

D  a  t  e  :     S  a  t  ,     0  4     J  u

6c 20 32 30 32 30 20 30 32 3a 31 35 3a 31 33 20

l     2  0  2  0     0  2  :  1  5  :  1  3     

47 4d 54 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70

G  M  T        C  o  n  t  e  n  t  -  T  y  p

65 3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 68 74 6d 6c 3b 20 63 68

e  :     t  e  x  t  /  h  t  m  l  ;     c  h

61 72 73 65 74 3d 55 54 46 2d 38 0d 0a 43 6f 6e

a  r  s  e  t  =  U  T  F  -  8        C  o  n

74 65 6e 74 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 31 35 37

t  e  n  t  -  L  e  n  g  t  h  :     1  5  7

0d 0a 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 63 6c

      C  o  n  n  e  c  t  i  o  n  :     c  l

6f 73 65 0d 0a 0d 0a 3c 68 74 6d 6c 3e 0d 0a 3c

o  s  e              <  h  t  m  l  >        <

68 65 61 64 3e 3c 74 69 74 6c 65 3e 35 30 32 20

h  e  a  d  >  <  t  i  t  l  e  >  5  0  2     

42 61 64 20 47 61 74 65 77 61 79 3c 2f 74 69 74

B  a  d     G  a  t  e  w  a  y  <  /  t  i  t

6c 65 3e 3c 2f 68 65 61 64 3e 0d 0a 3c 62 6f 64

l  e  >  <  /  h  e  a  d  >        <  b  o  d

79 3e 0d 0a 3c 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e 3c 68 31 3e

y  >        <  c  e  n  t  e  r  >  <  h  1  >

35 30 32 20 42 61 64 20 47 61 74 65 77 61 79 3c

5  0  2     B  a  d     G  a  t  e  w  a  y  <

2f 68 31 3e 3c 2f 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e 0d 0a 3c

/  h  1  >  <  /  c  e  n  t  e  r  >        <

68 72 3e 3c 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e 6e 67 69 6e 78

h  r  >  <  c  e  n  t  e  r  >  n  g  i  n  x

2f 31 2e 31 39 2e 30 3c 2f 63 65 6e 74 65 72 3e

/  1  .  1  9  .  0  <  /  c  e  n  t  e  r  >

0d 0a 3c 2f 62 6f 64 79 3e 0d 0a 3c 2f 68 74 6d

      <  /  b  o  d  y  >        <  /  h  t  m

6c 3e 0d 0a

l  >        

headers size:5task socket close getsocktcpinfo:tcpi_state=0x5, tcpi_snd_wscale=0x7, tcpi_rcv_wscale=0x6, tcpi_options=0x7, tcpi_flags=0x0, tcpi_rto=0x0, tcpi_maxseg=0x5A0, tcpi_snd_ssthresh=0x3FFFC000, tcpi_snd_cwnd=0x13C1, tcpi_snd_wnd=0x7680, tcpi_snd_sbbytes=0x0, tcpi_rcv_wnd=0x20580, tcpi_rttcur=0x11, tcpi_srtt=0x13, tcpi_rttvar=0x8, tcpi_txpackets=0x1, tcpi_txbytes=0x2A5, tcpi_txretransmitbytes=0x0, tcpi_rxpackets=0x2, tcpi_rxbytes=0x144, tcpi_rxoutoforderbytes=0x14

2020-07-04 10:15:13.800016+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][net_check_logic.cc, UpdateShortLinkInfo, 129][shortlink:_continues_fail_count: 1, _task_succ: 0, records=0xfffffffc

2020-07-04 10:15:13.801130+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][net_core.cc, __ConnStatusCallBack, 739][reportNetConnectInfo all_connstatus:3, longlink_connstatus:3

2020-07-04 10:15:13.801828+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.802759+0800 野火通[12203:4449201] Connection status changed to (0)

2020-07-04 10:15:13.802760+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][net_source.cc, ReportShortIP, 481][_is_success=false, ip=, port=80 host=

2020-07-04 10:15:13.803841+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +2,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.804827+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.805605+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getSignal, 175][-> getSignal

2020-07-04 10:15:13.807265+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +2,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.807652+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getSignal, 175][<- getSignal +2,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.807772+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][-> getNetInfo

2020-07-04 10:15:13.808229+0800 野火通[12203:4467487] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, Run, 149][<- Run +69,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.808577+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][platform_comm.mm, getNetInfo, 154][<- getNetInfo +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.811359+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __OnResponse, 379][worker=0x7FCBC70B9600, _err_type=5, _status=502, _body.lenght=0, _cancel_retry=false

2020-07-04 10:15:13.812731+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, SingleRespHandle, 596][-> SingleRespHandle

2020-07-04 10:15:13.813201+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [W][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, __SingleRespHandle, 615][task end callback short cmdid:11, err(5, 502, -1), svr(, DNSIP,, cli(,, n:SIMULATOR, sig:0), cost(s:5, r:324/324, c:20, rw:34), all:2155, retry:0, cgi:/route, taskid:6, worker:0x7FCBC70B9600

2020-07-04 10:15:13.813807+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::proto][stn_callback.cc, OnTaskEnd, 1189][PROTO -> TASK DESCRIPTIONS:taskid:6 cmdid:11 channel_id:0 channel_select:1 cgi:/route send_only:0 need_authed:0 limit_flow:0 limit_frequency:0 network_status_sensitive:0 channel_strategy:1 priority:3 retry_count:-1 server_process_cost:-1 total_timetout:-1



body size:126

end with orror:502

2020-07-04 10:15:13.831677+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, ~ShortLink, 133][-> ~ShortLink taskid:6, cgi:/route, @0x7FCBC70B9600

2020-07-04 10:15:13.832657+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, CancelAndWaitWorkerThread, 609][-> CancelAndWaitWorkerThread

2020-07-04 10:15:13.832941+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [D][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, CancelAndWaitWorkerThread, 609][<- CancelAndWaitWorkerThread +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.833753+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [I][mars::stn][shortlink.cc, ~ShortLink, 133][<- ~ShortLink +2,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.834984+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][-> Cancel

2020-07-04 10:15:13.836101+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][<- Cancel +1,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.836850+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][-> Cancel

2020-07-04 10:15:13.837544+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::comm][dns.cc, Cancel, 289][<- Cancel +0,

2020-07-04 10:15:13.838232+0800 野火通[12203:4467438] [V][mars::stn][shortlink_task_manager.cc, SingleRespHandle, 596][<- SingleRespHandle +25,

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