
邓二毛 2020-12-21 730

2020-12-21 09:06:18 +0000  /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ipatool exited with 1 2020-12-21 09:06:18 +0000  ipatool JSON: {    alerts =     (                {            code = 3736;            description = "Configuration issue: platform AppleTVSimulator.platform doesn't have any non-simulator SDKs; ignoring it";            info =             {            };            level = WARN;        },                {            code = 3736;            description = "Configuration issue: platform WatchSimulator.platform doesn't have any non-simulator SDKs; ignoring it";            info =             {            };            level = WARN;        },                {            code = 3736;            description = "Configuration issue: platform iPhoneSimulator.platform doesn't have any non-simulator SDKs; ignoring it";            info =             {            };            level = WARN;        }    ); }

/var/folders/7g/0tyhnwc962z20t8tmnplstcc0000gp/T/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~DCqwt9/Root/Payload/xxxxx.app/Frameworks/WFChatClient.framework/Frameworks/libopencore-amrnb.a(window_tab.o) (architecture arm64): Mach header      magic  cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags MH_MAGIC_64    ARM64        ALL  0x00      OBJECT     4        288 SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS Load command 0      cmd LC_SEGMENT_64  cmdsize 232  segname    vmaddr 0x0000000000000000   vmsize 0x00000000000005a0  fileoff 352 filesize 1440  maxprot rwx initprot rwx   nsects 2    flags (none) Section  sectname text   segname TEXT      addr 0x0000000000000000      size 0x0000000000000000    offset 352     align 2^0 (1)    reloff 0    nreloc 0      type S_REGULAR attributes PURE_INSTRUCTIONS SOME_INSTRUCTIONS reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section  sectname const   segname TEXT      addr 0x0000000000000000      size 0x00000000000005a0    offset 352     align 2^1 (2)    reloff 0    nrel 2020-12-21 09:06:18 +0000  oc 0      type S_REGULAR attributes (none) reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Load command 1     cmd LC_SYMTAB cmdsize 24  symoff 1792   nsyms 4  stroff 1856 strsize 56 Load command 2      cmd LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS  cmdsize 16  version 7.0      sdk n/a Load command 3      cmd LC_DATA_IN_CODE  cmdsize 16  dataoff 1792 datasize 0

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